Talking Louder About Campus Sustainability

Project Leads: Kira Stoll & Lisa McNeilly

Sponsor: Office of Sustainability

TGIF Grant: $18,250

Project Theme: Education & Behavior Change

Project Location

2009 Application Submission

Project Description: Talking Louder about Campus Sustainability (a boisterous communications campaign) developed and implemented a one‐year comprehensive marketing and outreach campaign to encourage program participation and behavior changes while expanding the culture of sustainability at UC Berkeley.

Goals: Create a Facebook page to interactively engage the campus on sustainability. Train the trainers: provide training and information on sustainability to key people that are resource providers in residences and buildings, and to employees. Convene meetings for staff and faculty to provide training and information on how to incorporate sustainability practices into operations. Enhance content and create interactive elements on the Office sustainability websites. Outreach to new employees through presentations and material distribution at new staff orientations and new academic employee orientations. Produce on‐line presentation materials and training materials that can be used by other groups to promote sustainability. Outreach to faculty, staff and students through participation in campus events. Hold forums with student groups to foster collaboration. Produce a series of on‐line flyers and program cards outlining initiatives and programs. Expand the coverage and distribution of the Office newsletter, bright green news.

Final Poster

Final Report

Accomplishments Summary