2010 Bike to Work Day Regional Sponsorship

Project Lead: William Riggs

Sponsor: Physical & Environmental Planning

TGIF Grant: $2,500

Project Theme: Transportation & Urban Development

Project Location

2010 Application Submission

Project Description: This project provided sponsorship for the 2010 Bike to Work Day UC Berkeley campus station. Sponsorship allowed Parking & Transportation to provide bike-centered goodie bags and bike safety information to the hundreds of students, faculty, and staff that participate in Bike to Work Day. It also financed East Bay publicity of BTWD with the UC Berkeley logo. If just 20 people ride their bikes on BTWD, then 83 kg CO2(e) could be saved, assuming a 12-mile round trip average. If 10 of these people continue to ride their bikes for one year, 20 work days/month, the estimated savings would be 10045.44 kg CO2e.

Accomplishments Summary