Coastal Prairie Restoration and Commemoration

Coastal Prairie Restoration and Commemoration

Project Leads: Jennifer Podvin, Ariel Cherbowsky

Project Sponsor: Suding Lab

TGIF Grant: $1,500

Project Theme: Habitat Restoration

Application Submission

Project Description: This grant will finance restoration projects in two campus areas: the last remaining area of open grassland on the main campus within the Grinnell Natural Area, and north of VLSB by the West Oval Glade near the wooden bridge that crosses the north fork of Strawberry Creek. The Strawberry Creek Restoration DeCal, ESPM 187 class, and volunteers will work on the projects.

Project Goals: 

  1. Complete two projects that seek to restore California native plant species and habitat.
  2. Foster the collaboration of students from the Strawberry Creek Restoration DeCal, Professor Katharine Suding’s ESPM 187 Restoration Ecology class, and other Berkeley community members interested in volunteering.
  3. Encourage environmental stewardship of Strawberry Creek and the campus “natural” areas.
  4. Create an outdoor experimental laboratory for ecological theories.
  5. Foster awareness on campus for the ongoing need to establish, monitor, and manage native Californian plant species.
  6. Control invasive species, and establish habitat along our highly frequented and disturbed urban creek.

Final Report