Other Resources

Energy & Climate By 2014, reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels. (CalCAP) Achieve climate neutrality as soon as possible. (CalCAP, UCOP)
Water Reduce potable water use to 10% below 2008 levels by 2020.
Built Environment Design future projects to minimize energy and water consumption and wastewater production; incorporate sustainable design principles into capital investment decisions; base capital investment decisions on life cycle cost, including the cost of known future expenditures. (LRDP)
Waste Achieve a 75% diversion rate by June 2012 and zero waste by 2020. (UCOP)
Purchasing By 2011, develop a green purchasing policy.
Transportation By 2014, reduce fuel use by commuters and campus fleet to 25% below 1990 levels.
Food & Dining By 2020, increase sustainable food purchases by campus foodservice providers to at least 20%. (UCOP)
Land Use Plan every new project to serve as a model of resource conservation and environmental stewardship. (LRDP)
Table taken from the UC Berkeley Office of Sustainability's Campus Sustainability Plan site and credited to the Office of Sustainability.