How do I know if my project is eligible for funding?
All UC Berkeley students, staff, and faculty are eligible to apply for a TGIF grant, however applicants must be connected to either (1) an ASUC Registered Student Organization (RSO) or (2) a Campus Department.
All TGIF Applicants must connect their projects directly to campus sustainability or environmental justice efforts. If the primary audience of your project is off-campus, there must be a direct campus connection, as the funds come directly from UC Berkeley students.
What is the difference between the Fall and Spring Grant Cycles?
The main difference between the Fall and Spring grant cycles is the size of the projects we fund. Each Fall, we award up to $60,000 in $5,000 ‘mini-grants’ or small projects that can be completed within the academic year. Each Spring, our Spring Grant cycle awards grants above $5,000 to more complex projects that will be completed within 1-3 academic years.
When must disbursed funds be used by?
There is no set deadline, however, funds must be exhausted by the time of a project's completion. If a project has unused funds after its completion, due to unforeseen project changes or otherwise, the funds will be returned to TGIF. For Fall grants, a project is usually completed within one academic year. For Spring grants, a project is usually completed within 1-3 academic years.
When will funds be received?
Fall mini-grants: Successful applicants will be notified in mid-November. Funds will be available the following Spring semester.
Spring grants: Successful applicants will be notified in mid-April. Funds will be available the following Fall semester. If funds are required for the project over the summer, please indicate this and speak to TGIF staff.
Disbursement also depends on your sponsoring organization: campus department's take ~2-3 weeks and Callink student organization's take ~5-6 weeks. Please plan accordingly.
"I have a project idea, but I don't know where to go from here!"
Start by looking through the TGIF Funded Projects to see if there are projects similar to yours. Research departments on campus that are relevant to your projects- see if any of these groups are doing similar work. Don't re-create the wheel! Look for gaps between what is being currently offered and what your projects could provide for the campus community. Reach out to folks on campus and create partnerships, if possible.
"I don't know what logistics/timeline/budget/metrics/campus partnerships are necessary for my project?"
Book a 1:1 appointment! TGIF staff are more than happy to help you get started.