The TGIF Committee is the voting body of The Green Initiative Fund, and as such determines which grants are funded each year, guides the decision-making of the TGIF Manager and TGIF Team, and provides expert guidance to TGIF applicants. The TGIF Committee is comprised of seven voting members who serve 1-2 year terms, and between 5-7 non-voting members.
The TGIF Voting Members include:
One graduate student appointed by the President, Campus Affairs Vice President (CAVP), or Vice President of Finance (VPF) of the Graduate Assembly (GA)
One undergraduate student appointed by the Associated Students of the University of California (ASUC)
One student with a background in environmental justice, selected by TGIF’s Committee after the other five members have been selected. This position is open to all undergraduate and graduate students via a student at-large application
One undergraduate student, selected by TGIF’s Committee after the other five members have been selected. This position is open to all undergraduate students via a student at-large application
One faculty member approved by the Academic Senate
One staff member from Administration, selected by the Vice Chancellor for Administration
One staff member from Capital Strategies, selected by the Director of Capital Strategies
The TGIF Non-Voting Members include:
The Director of Sustainability or a delegate from their office
A representative from the campus Energy Office
A member of the Committee on Student Fees (CSF) and their alternate
A representative of the Student Environmental Resource Center
A representative of the Physical and Environmental Planning Department
The Committee and/or TGIF Manager shall invite experts/guests to provide information and expertise as needed and may invite them to become permanent non-voting members through a vote.