TGIF Committee

TGIF Committee

The TGIF Committee is the voting body of The Green Initiative Fund, and as such determines which grants are funded each year, guides the decision-making of the TGIF Manager and TGIF Team, and provides expert guidance to TGIF applicants. The TGIF Committee is comprised of seven voting members who serve 1-2 year terms, and between 5-7 non-voting members.

The TGIF Voting Members include:

  • One graduate student appointed by the President, Campus Affairs Vice President (CAVP), or Vice President of Finance (VPF) of the Graduate Assembly (GA)

  • One undergraduate student appointed by the Associated Students of the University of California (ASUC)

  • One student with a background in environmental justice, selected by TGIF’s Committee after the other five members have been selected. This position is open to all undergraduate and graduate students via a student at-large application

  • One undergraduate student, selected by TGIF’s Committee after the other five members have been selected. This position is open to all undergraduate students via a student at-large application

  • One faculty member approved by the Academic Senate

  • One staff member from Administration, selected by the Vice Chancellor for Administration

  • One staff member from Capital Strategies, selected by the Director of Capital Strategies

The TGIF Non-Voting Members include: