Each Fall, TGIF opens applications for two TGIF Student-At-Large Committee Seats. These paid positions support the TGIF Manager in running the TGIF Committee, voting in our semesterly grant cycle, and making decisions for the TGIF Committee.
TGIF At-Large Applications Open!
TGIF Student-At-Large Committee applications are open until Sunday, September 22, 2024 at 11:59 PM PST. Late applications will not be accepted nor reviewed.
2024-25 Undergraduate Student-At-Large Application
2024-25 Environmental Justice Student-At-Large Application
Learn more about Committee responsibilities below!
About the TGIF At-Large Committee Seats
The TGIF Committee is the decision-making body for The Green Initiative Fund. The committee chooses which sustainability projects receive money, approves changes to awards, and guides the general direction of TGIF. Voting committee members will:
- Attend monthly committee meetings (You must have some available time to meet during the 9am-5pm/M-F time frame). The time commitment is usually less than 5 hours a month during the non-grant months and 5-10 hours during the grant period months (October, November, February, March, and April)
- Select which projects receive funding during grant review.
- Vote on issues which require committee approval, such as project adjustments.
- Provide feedback to and help support all grantees.
All UC Berkeley undergraduate students are eligible to apply for the TGIF undergraduate student at-large representative position. This is a one-year appointment, stipend position, totaling $300 / semester.
All UC Berkeley undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to apply for the TGIF environmental justice student-at-large represenrartive position. This is a one-year appointment, stipend position, totaling $300 / semester for undergraduates and $500/semester for graduate students.