Completed Projects

These projects have been completed and are no longer being directly funded by TGIF.

Student Fellows Activating Campus

Project Description

This project proposes a team of students in fellowship roles to develop and implement key priority strategies of the plans. Fellow positions include:
Environmental Justice Fellowships: identifying how the OS can improve diversity, equity and inclusion in practices and policies; Air Travel Mitigation Program Fellow: activate a pilot mitigation program currently in design that proposes assessing a fee on air tickets to build a fund for projects that reduce carbon emissions on campus and promote more sustainable alternative travel; Sustainable Science Fellows:

Kingman Hall Creek Restoration

Kingman Hall and the Berkeley Student Cooperatives are seeking funding to restore the riparian cooridor within their house footprint. The upper portion of Strawberry Creek flows through Kingman Hall and there is a current creek bed failure that needs to be addressed. Funding would be used to hire two student leads, cover supplies of new plants and equipment, and the removal of trees to open up the canopy.

Installation of Bottle Refill Stations 2012

Project Description

Funding will be used to install three bottle refill stations and sixteen bottle filler retrofits.

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Cal Greeks Energy Competition- Green Cup

Project Description

Use an energy competition as a way to implement small scale retrofits, reinforce sustainable behavior, and gain visibility for sustainable practices within the Greek system.

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Fight the Flow

Project Description

Installation of UZLOW shower valves and educational signs to reduce Unit 3 residents' consumption of water.

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Low Water Irrigation

Project Description

Install electronic metering and a weather station to conserve water through better management of campus irrigation systems.

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Air Handling Unit Transmitters

Project Description

Pilot program to install differential pressure transmitters on air handling units in eight buildings on campus.

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Talking Louder About Sustainability, Next Generation

Project Description

The Office is requesting TGIF funds for communication internships both for our current team for next year and the next generation of specialists for next two academic years.

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Mercury Vapor Detection Equipment

Project Description

Purchase of new technology for detecting mercury during EH&S clean-ups.

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Waste Reduction in the Cal Greeks Community

Project Description

This project aims to reduce the volume of solid waste generated by the Cal Greek community through composting, recycling, and the ReUSE program.

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