Department Sponsor

These projects were sponsored by a campus department

The Pollinators of Campus Native Wildflower Gardens

Project Description

Our project aims to compare the presence and abundance of pollinator species at the native plant garden at mak-’amham (Cafe Ohlone) with other non-native gardens on the UC Berkeley campus. Two surveys will be conducted in March and April to capture species diversity, to promote sustainable gardening by showcasing how the native plant garden supports diverse pollinator populations, contributing to healthy ecosystems and food sovereignty. The project underscores the cultural and ecological significance of mak-’amham, supporting Ohlone identity and...

Dining Commons Post Consumer Food Waste

Project Description

We are proposing to run a pilot program at Crossroads Dining Commons in which post consumer food waste will be weighed using a leanpath scale, affixed with a Spark device that displays real time information on a monitor within student view. This two phase pilot will include weighing waste with no spark display to gather a baseline, and then an intervention of spark display data during the second phase of the pilot. Survey data will be gathered throughout both phases to gather insights on student perceptions and habits relating to food waste. This data,...

Oak Woodland Restoration Project

Project Description

The Oak Woodland Restoration Project at UC Berkeley’s Hastings Natural History Reservation aims to restore rare, threatened blue oak (Quercus douglasii) woodland habitat impacted by the October 2024 ...

Wurster Hall Sub-Metering

Project Description

Install energy sub-meters in five floors of Wurster Hall to help achieve LEED-EBOM.

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Project Application

Custodial Staff Outreach 2010-2011

Project Description

Conduct an outreach/education campaign between custodial staff and building occupants.

Project Links

Project Application

Project Poster

Cal Habitat Restoration Student Leadership Training

Project Description

Program to train students to promote and lead volunteer habitat restoration events.

Project Links

Project Application

Project Poster

Water Metering and Conservation

Project Description

Install water meters in 8 more buildings and increase water publicity/education.

Project Links

Project Application

Project Poster

Greening Kroeber Art Studios and Bathrooms

Project Description

Develop a design/marketing campaign to create awareness in Kroeber Hall about sustainability.

Project Links

Project Application

Project Poster

Teaching, Learning, and Change (TLC)

Project Description

Create year-long career training and mentoring effort for students and staff.

Project Links

Project Application

Project Poster

Reduction in Chemical Use at the UC Botanical Gardens

Project Description

Establish a compost tea brewing and application program as part of a pest management program.

Project Links

Project Application

Project Poster