Environmental Justice Projects

UC Berkeley Botanical Garden Crops of World Internship

Project Description

As a senior studying Conservation with a focus on agroecology and rural development, I would like to incorporate the knowledge I have acquired from the past several years of classes on environmental justice as well as conversations from within the agroecology community on campus. 1. Garden for Ohlone foods and other Bay Area/Northern California indigenous foods would be added to the North American section. 2. There are various agroecological methods that could be replicated on a smaller scale within the garden as a display, including intercropping, no...

Social Impacts of Development on Treasure Island/Below the Bridge Documentary

Project Description

We want to make a documentary on the transformation of Treasure Island from a historical sacrifice zone to a site of intense development and gentrification. We are interested in the impacts that the development plan will have on current residents of the island, as well as businesses and organizations located there. We recognize that this case is likely one of environmental injustice, as the low-income, underserved, predominantly African-American and Latinx communities are going to be the first to face the repercussions of this gentrification. Our documentary will...

Berkeley Student Native Plant Nursery

Project Description

Community-led greening projects can benefit through the establishment of a low-cost, accessible native plant nursery that will also serve as a demonstration site where members of the local and student community will learn how to: responsibly harvest native seeds; create plant specific soil or “soil-free” potting mixtures; propagate plants from seed; identify native plants; troubleshoot native plant care. This space will also “bridge the gap” between native ecosystem restoration projects and the local indigenous communities whose ancestors were the original...

ASUC Eco-Office Stipends

Project Description
The ASUC Eco-Office is comprised of 7 departments, including Pour out Pepsi, UC Green New Deal, Environmental Education, Environmental Justice Campaigns, Eco-Community Development, Social Media & Graphics, and Legislative Affairs. Each are headed by directors who coordinate and organize their respective departments. The directors are all undergraduate students who are passionate about sustainability and environmental justice and have chosen to lead the projects that they are working on. The Head of Staff position is adjacent to the director positions as they...

SERC NEWT Peaks of the Bay

Project Description

The Peaks of the Bay program’s goal is to introduce and connect the UC Berkeley community to the beautiful mountains of the Bay Area. Within an academic year, SERC NEWT would provide a free and accessible experience to four iconic mountains in the Bay Area, including one overnight trip. Our trips focus on merging fun outdoor movement with environmental justice education and healing, and will be especially catered to those with limited outdoor experiences. Through skilled facilitation, we want to provide students with a safe, enjoyable, and memorable outdoor...

Bechtel Terrace Technological and Educational Rooftop Garden

Project Description

The goals of this project are to pilot new technologies for rooftop gardening and to enrich educational experiences in environmental sustainability at Cal. The pace of research in the science and engineering of rooftop gardens has increased as urban agriculture has become increasingly popular over the last decade. These technologies have the potential to contribute in important ways to more green and equitable cities. A successful rooftop garden pilot study at the Bechtel Terrace site would be the first demonstration site at UC Berkeley for rooftop...

SCEC Retention Events

Project Description

The SCEC Retention Events will provide direct resources related to self-care and professional development for our members through student-led workshops and guest presentations. Examples of potential projects include BIPOC Environmental Mixers where BIPOC students and faculty have space to form a community with people of shared interests, while also focusing on intersectionality and resource sharing. Other potential retention events include professional development workshops on graduate school applications, networking events, and professional...

THIMBY: Richmond Backyard Home

Project Description

Tiny House in My Backyard (THIMBY) is an interdisciplinary team of 27 UC Berkeley graduate and undergraduate students designing and constructing affordable, ecologically sustainable, tiny homes. THIMBY 3.0, the third home constructed by the THIMBY organization, will be piloting Richmond’s “Tiny House on Wheels Pilot Project” ordinance, which the team recently helped renew, by constructing and leasing an affordable, net-zero-energy 240 sq ft. house in the backyard of a predetermined single-family residence in Richmond. In collaboration with the City...

Community Climate Healing Circle

Project Description

The vision of Mobilize Berkeley is to lead an intergenerational citywide sustained mobilization towards stopping climate destruction and participating in a just transition toward sustainable, more equitable and healthier ways of living and working. SERC has been in partnership with Mobilize Berkeley for the last three years, and we hope to continue our partnership with them for many years to come. QTPOC students and community members organize and facilitate the circles. Within the Healing Circles QTPOC students' healing and voices are centered and...

ASUC Sustainable Campus Food System Designathon

Project Description

This designathon aims to empower students to share their voices on decisions about the campus food system, because it should be catered to their needs and values. The Pour Out Pepsi campaign pressures the UC Berkeley administration to end the exclusive pouring rights contract with PepsiCo due to its unsustainable and inequitable practices. There are currently discussions in the UCOP about establishing a UC system-wide exclusive pouring rights contract, likely with PepsiCo or Coca-Cola, demonstrating that they value profit over students. The food and beverage...