Small Projects (>$10K)

These projects received less than $10,000 from TGIF.

SCEC Retention Events

Project Description

The SCEC Retention Events will provide direct resources related to self-care and professional development for our members through student-led workshops and guest presentations. Examples of potential projects include BIPOC Environmental Mixers where BIPOC students and faculty have space to form a community with people of shared interests, while also focusing on intersectionality and resource sharing. Other potential retention events include professional development workshops on graduate school applications, networking events, and professional headshots for our...

GIF Haas Rechargeable Battery program

Project Description

In an effort to continuously make significant strides towards true zero waste and in line with the university’s “Non-Essential Single Use Plastic Elimination by 2030 Policy”, Haas would like to implement a rechargeable battery program that would be available to all Haas students, staff and faculty. The impact of eliminating single use batteries and plastic packaging from the waste stream would make a huge impact not only on Haas’ carbon footprint, but on the university as a whole.

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Cal Greeks Energy Competition- Green Cup

Project Description

Use an energy competition as a way to implement small scale retrofits, reinforce sustainable behavior, and gain visibility for sustainable practices within the Greek system.

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Fight the Flow

Project Description

Installation of UZLOW shower valves and educational signs to reduce Unit 3 residents' consumption of water.

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Talking Louder About Sustainability, Next Generation

Project Description

The Office is requesting TGIF funds for communication internships both for our current team for next year and the next generation of specialists for next two academic years.

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Mercury Vapor Detection Equipment

Project Description

Purchase of new technology for detecting mercury during EH&S clean-ups.

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Strawberry Creek Restoration Demonstration

Project Description

Continue habitat restoration efforts of Strawberry Creek.

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Sustainability Map Project

Project Description

Creation of an interactive web-based campus sustainability map.

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Greening Kroeber Art Studios and Bathrooms

Project Description

Develop a design/marketing campaign to create awareness in Kroeber Hall about sustainability.

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End the Cycle - Sustainable Laundry Campaign

Project Description

Implement a sustainable laundry education campaign in the residence halls.

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