Spring Grants

These projects were funded during our Spring grant cycle, where projects receive more than $5,000 for projects that take between one to three years to complete. 

Strawberry Creek Ecological Stabilization Project Phase II

Project Description

The Strawberry Creek Ecological Stabilization Project was a student-initiated project to design and install ecologically-functional grade control structures for a degraded section of Strawberry Creek. In addition to increasing channel stability, this project was an ecological restoration effort to support local fish and riparian species by improving habitat conditions and planting native riparian vegetation.

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Student Environmental Resource Center

Project Description

This grant initiated the establishment of a permanent Student Environmental Resource Center by funding five implementation & planning interns and a workshop for setting objectives and plans.

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Project Application


Earth Week 2009-2013

Project Description

Fund Earth Week (a week-long gathering of environmentally conscious individuals and organizations) for 5 years.

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Project Application

Project Poster

Talking Louder about Campus Sustainability

Project Description

One-year marketing and outreach campaign to increase awareness among the campus community.

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Project Application

Water Metering and Sub-metering of UC Campus Buildings

Project Description

Update water meters on several buildings and install efficient toilets in Wurster.

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Project Application

Latinxs in their Element

Project Description

Latinx in their Element will be a project funding eight (8) student fellows to conduct environmental research projects during the academic year. This project was created with the intention of supporting students as they explore the field of environmental sciences and guiding them in doing research on a specific element they are interested in. We will be hosting a series of workshops in order for research fellows to gain an understanding of the elements prior to conducting their own research. L&E has the intention of offering students this unique opportunity to...

Healing the Pavement on Campus

Project Description

Recycling concrete offers a sustainable path for pavement maintenance. Massive concrete wastes are generated in the civil and environmental engineering (CEE) structural laboratory every year because of undergraduate education and scientific research demand. The existing waste concrete disposal such as “landfill” is expensive ($400/ton) and unsustainable. This project aims at wasted concrete recycling for campus infrastructure repairing, mainly focusing on the maintenance of cracked pavements, to fulfill a win-win situation for both the CEE department and Berkeley...

GIF Haas Rechargeable Battery program

Project Description

In an effort to continuously make significant strides towards true zero waste and in line with the university’s “Non-Essential Single Use Plastic Elimination by 2030 Policy”, Haas would like to implement a rechargeable battery program that would be available to all Haas students, staff and faculty. The impact of eliminating single use batteries and plastic packaging from the waste stream would make a huge impact not only on Haas’ carbon footprint, but on the university as a whole.

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BerkeleyMoves! Parking and Transportation Program and Data Evaluation Intern

Project Description

This project will address several aspects of parking and the environmental impacts between pricing for permits and comparison of TDM programs to benchmark ourselves with developing a new transit and mobility plan to better serve the campus; finding out about impacts of an optional carbon offsetting program and fee, which may be optional to the user, to support additional mobility programs supported by findings of the LRDP but also the TDM strategic plan; identifying the correlation of students who commute to campus and making the case to the University about the...

Student Fellows Activating Campus

Project Description

This project proposes a team of students in fellowship roles to develop and implement key priority strategies of the plans. Fellow positions include:
Environmental Justice Fellowships: identifying how the OS can improve diversity, equity and inclusion in practices and policies; Air Travel Mitigation Program Fellow: activate a pilot mitigation program currently in design that proposes assessing a fee on air tickets to build a fund for projects that reduce carbon emissions on campus and promote more sustainable alternative travel; Sustainable Science Fellows: