The Indigenous Community Learning Garden (ICLG) highly values interacting with land in a sustainable and reciprocal manner. The compost hub project supports the production of culturally significant food crops and addresses sustainability dynamics relating to food sovereignty. In addition, the project serves to address other goals dealing with social, financial, and environmental aspects at the intersection of food and the environment. Through a series of interactive, hands-on workshops prioritized for Native and Indigenous community members, individuals will...
VFB is a non-profit, research-oriented organization with the ambition to establish the first and only vertical farm at UC Berkeley. With sustainability in mind, we aim to increase yield and resource efficiency by investigating symbiotic microbe interactions in a hydroponic environment and developing mechanical automation technology, from ECU-controlled water maintenance to labor-free planting/harvesting. Vertical Farming is the general idea of growing produce in a controlled environment with space, resource efficiency, and produce quality in mind....
The Hispanic Engineers and Scientists organization requests funds to pay for garden managers, supplies, and workshops, as well as a mini-fund to support internal projects, within their rooftop garden.
Vertical Farming at Berkeley, a student nonprofit group, seeks funding to support their research into vertical farming setups. Part of their work involves outreach and education to local schools, as well as donation or sale of produce to the Berkeley Food Pantry and/or Cal Dining
This project seeks to support the expansion of an ongoing SPUR program to facilitate the implementation of a municipal composting system within the Gill Tract. Funds would go to the hiring of graduate student coordinators, travel stipends for interns, and compensation for interviews conducted in the evaluation of the composting system. The Gill Tract hopes that the establishment of this composting system will support student education and the propogation of systems through the SOGA community and beyond.
BSF's primary goals with this funding are to continue farming at the Oxford Tract, and other gardening spaces, which require space in the greenhouse and water, and continue being able to pay students for teaching the agroecology in action decal. Their work aims to reconnect UC Berkeley students with the land through anti-oppression and decolonial frameworks. They also donate food from the farms to the Basic Needs Center as a way to support food-insecure students on campus.
VFB is seeking funds to create a sustainable biofuel from microalgae. Their goal is to create a model for growing renewable fuels with low carbon impacts and to eventually generate algae for Berkeley research labs and support future research into sustainably grown algae.
The UC Gill Tract Community Farm is seeking funds to begin a commuity-based participatory research (CBPR) project to address culturally relevant food needs of graduate students at University Village through their Bear Pantry. The insights from this survey will inform future food initiatives at the Farm and Bear Pantry
Vertical Farming at Berkeley is requesting funds in order to research detergent-degrading bacteria to purify water for their farm. Their future goal is to supply fresh produce to eateries like Cal Dining.
Vertical Farming at Berkeley is seeking funds to support research on oyster mushrooms, which are alternative food sources that can reduce food inequity. They will be researching how to create a mushroom resistant to the Trichoderma mold, and hope that their strain can eventually be used in campus dining halls as a meat alternative.