Theme: Water Conservation & Efficiency

These projects focus on how to reduce the amount of water we use on campus, how to ensure that campus waterways are free of harmful pollutants or educate our campus community about the importance of water conservation and water use reduction strategies. 

Water Efficiency at the Goldman School of Public Policy

Project Description

The Water Efficiency at the Goldman School of Public Policy (GSPP) project will enable GSPP to save water, reduce waste, lower its water bill, and be recognized as a “Water Smart Business.” With an accompanying education component to encourage students to be conscious of resource use and keep their reusable water bottles, this project will increase water efficiency and conservation through the replacement of an aged fountain with a water bottle filling station, installation of waterless urinals, hosting educational student events, and achieving recognition...

Water Metering and Sub-metering of UC Campus Buildings

Project Description

Update water meters on several buildings and install efficient toilets in Wurster.

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Installation of Bottle Refill Stations 2012

Project Description

Funding will be used to install three bottle refill stations and sixteen bottle filler retrofits.

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Fight the Flow

Project Description

Installation of UZLOW shower valves and educational signs to reduce Unit 3 residents' consumption of water.

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Low Water Irrigation

Project Description

Install electronic metering and a weather station to conserve water through better management of campus irrigation systems.

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Installation of Bottle Refill Stations 2011

Project Description

Installation of bottle refill stations in campus buildings.

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End the Cycle - Sustainable Laundry Campaign

Project Description

Implement a sustainable laundry education campaign in the residence halls.

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Project Poster

Water Metering and Conservation

Project Description

Install water meters in 8 more buildings and increase water publicity/education.

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I Heart Tap Water Campaign

Project Description

Hire two interns for the I Heart Tap Water campaign.

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