Join the TGIF Committee!

Each Fall, TGIF opens applications for two  TGIF Student-At-Large Committee Seats. These paid positions support the TGIF Manager in running the TGIF Committee, voting in our semesterly grant cycle, and making decisions for the TGIF Committee.

TGIF At-Large Applications Open!

TGIF Student-At-Large Committee applications are open until Sunday, September 22, 2024 at 11:59 PM PST. Late applications will not be accepted nor reviewed.

2024-25 Undergraduate Student-At-Large Application

2024-25 Environmental Justice Student-At-Large Application

Learn more about Committee responsibilities below!

About the TGIF At-Large Committee Seats

The TGIF Committee is the decision-making body for The Green Initiative Fund. The committee chooses which sustainability projects receive money, approves changes to awards, and guides the general direction of TGIF. Voting committee members will: 

  1. Attend monthly committee meetings (You must have some available time to meet during the 9am-5pm/M-F time frame). The time commitment is usually less than 5 hours a month during the non-grant months and 5-10 hours during the grant period months (October, November, February, March, and April)
  2. Select which projects receive funding during grant review.
  3. Vote on issues which require committee approval, such as project adjustments.
  4. Provide feedback to and help support all grantees.

All UC Berkeley undergraduate students are eligible to apply for the TGIF undergraduate student at-large representative position.  This is a one-year appointment, stipend position, totaling $300 / semester. 

All UC Berkeley undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to apply for the TGIF environmental justice student-at-large represenrartive positionThis is a one-year appointment, stipend position, totaling $300 / semester for undergraduates and $500/semester for graduate students.

The students will be chosen by the other five appointed members of the TGIF committee. Each question answer should not exceed 2,500 characters (approximately 500 words).Please visit our website for more information about the TGIF Committee here
Questions and comments regarding your application may be directed to TGIF & Sustainability Initiatives Operations Manager, Carli Baker, at