Project Description
Located at Lothlorien, one of the 17 Berkeley Student Cooperative houses, this project aims to foster healing connections between students and the land through a series of educational workshops and a habitat restoration project. This will be a collaborative project, involving the stakeholders (housemates) through every step of the process, emphasizing participatory design and knowledge sharing. The series of educational workshops will involve hands-on restoration, plant identification, medicinal plant uses, and creative archiving. Lothlorien houses 55 berkeley students and stewards 10,000 square feet of green space, through this project a 2,000 sqft hillside will be restored with primarily native plants that are drought tolerant, support local pollinators, and have medicinal qualities for student residents. This project aims to decolonize, de-gentrify and diversify student’s relationships with nature by increasing access and fostering meaningful connections to the natural environment for students of different backgrounds, notably low-income students who live at Lothlorien.
Project Links
Project Application (Coming Soon!)
Project Poster (Coming Soon!)