Basins of Relations

Project Basics

Project Sponsor: Berkeley Student Cooperatives

Amount Awarded: $5,000

Grant Awarded: Fall 2024

Project Status: In Progress

Project Description

This project focuses on capturing roof rain water for the Convent house within the Berkeley
Student Cooperative (BSC). Each winter, 236,000 gallons of roof rainwater exits the property
entering the Berkeley Marina. This two-day workshop will redirect rainwater into rain gardens
and tanks to support 1) groundwater recharge 2) water tank storage during drought and 3) install
a perennial food gardens to mitigate local climate extremes by providing:
1. Microclimate: vegetative cover mitigating extreme heat,
2. Food Security: mediterranean perennial food production for year round harvest,
3. Carbon sequestration: Carbon storage in above ground biomass and soil,
4. Water Security: rain tank storage for use in the dry months,
5. Flood Mitigation: runoff reduction during large rain events.

Project Links 

Project Application (Coming Soon!)

Project Poster (Coming Soon!)