Berkeley Student Native Plant Nursery

Project Basics 

Project Sponsor: UC Gill Tract Community Garden 

Amount Awarded: $3,421

Grant Awarded: Fall 2021

Project Status: Complete

Project Description

Community-led greening projects can benefit through the establishment of a low-cost, accessible native plant nursery that will also serve as a demonstration site where members of the local and student community will learn how to: responsibly harvest native seeds; create plant specific soil or “soil-free” potting mixtures; propagate plants from seed; identify native plants; troubleshoot native plant care. This space will also “bridge the gap” between native ecosystem restoration projects and the local indigenous communities whose ancestors were the original stewards for these ecosystems by hosting seminars where indigenous speakers can share: cultural and medicinal uses of native plants; cultural land management techniques of native ecosystems; current issues regarding ecosystem restoration, indigenous communities and environmental justice.

Project Links 

Project Application

Project Poster