Housing and Dining Sustainability Advocates (HADSA) Covid Relief

Project Basics

Project Sponsor: Residential & Student Services Program (RSSP), Residential Life

Amount Awarded: $46,842

Grant Awarded: Spring 2021

Project Status: Complete

Project Description 

For the last several years, HADSA was funded directly by the RSSP department through housing contracts and meal plans. With reduced occupancy in the resident halls this year caused by the COVID pandemic, HADSA was cut from 11 funded positions to 1 funded position. Although RSSP expects to make a full recovery as the pandemic subsides, TGIF funding for five positions in the 2021- 2022 fiscal year would help HADSA continue providing much-needed outreach and sustainability initiatives for the housing & dining department. These positions are especially critical at a time when students are spending more time in RSSP facilities with the increase of virtual classes. Over the summer 2021, the UVA Garden Committee will purchase and install the composting system and hire a vendor to remove the large debris heaps. The Garden Committee will also purchase and plant CA natives in the beds which are currently empty and expand into adjacent areas as funding permits.

Project Links

Project Application

Project Poster