Theme: Habitat Restoration & Native Landscaping

These projects focus on bettering the natural environments on or near campus, through native gardening/landscaping, education around habitat restoration, or other related projects that improve ecosystem health in or around campus. 

SURG Redwood Restoration

Project Description

The overall goals of the project are to research Bay Area redwoods using Geospatial information systems and Traditional Ecological Knowledge. This research will focus on analyzing redwood environmental growth factors and forest management practices in order to determine the best locations for future redwood growth in the Bay Area. However, this research project is more than just its overall goals, it is also meant to be an introductory research experience for 14 students, some of which have not yet had the opportunity to take part in Berkeley research....

Haas Hives Part 2

Haas School of Business is seeking funds to expand their current Hives at Haas mini-grant to build beehives at a new site, after using mini-grant funds to assess feasibility, conduct risk assessments, and obtain necessary campus approvals. The hives would be an educational hub for food and ecology groups on campus, would inlude an educational component, and create signage to connect the new hive location with the existing Haas pollinator garden.

Clark Kerr Restoration Project

Project Description

The goal of this project is to restore a small habitat of the Clark Kerr campus, replacing invasive non-native species with California native plants that support pollinators, and increasing the safety of the adjacent walkway.

Project Links

Project Application

Project Poster (coming soon!)

Bring Back the Insects to UVA Community Garden

Project Description

Grad and Family Living seeks funds to cultivate the UVA Community garden with native CA plants in order to attract beneficial insects, and support gardeners/the environment. They hope to teach and engage the community about native plants and insects through field and planting days.

Project Links

Project Application

Project Poster (coming soon!)