UC Berkeley Green Labs Program Research Community Trainings

Project Basics

Project Sponsor: Office of Environmental Health & Safety

Amount Awarded: $4,550

Grant Awarded: Fall 2023

Project Status: In Progress

Project Description

Our goal through organizing this project is to be able to close a gap between the research community and zero waste efforts. By educating undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers using My Green Labs Accredited Professionals training modules, we hope to achieve sustainability within research and teaching lab spaces at the community level. Using the My Green Labs materials that have already been created by professionals and that are available on a digital platform will allow the Program Associate and Intern to focus on disseminating the knowledge gained from the training modules rather than curating these materials themselves. We also hope to compensate two undergraduate students to be able to lead this program, and expand on many of our existing programs.

Project Links

Project Application

Project Poster