The Pollinators of Campus Native Wildflower Gardens

Project Basics

Project Sponsor: Department of Integrative Biology

Amount Awarded: $4,783.51

Grant Awarded: Fall 2024

Project Status: In Progress

Project Description

Our project aims to compare the presence and abundance of pollinator species at the native plant garden at mak-’amham (Cafe Ohlone) with other non-native gardens on the UC Berkeley campus. Two surveys will be conducted in March and April to capture species diversity, to promote sustainable gardening by showcasing how the native plant garden supports diverse pollinator populations, contributing to healthy ecosystems and food sovereignty. The project underscores the cultural and ecological significance of mak-’amham, supporting Ohlone identity and fostering relationships between the Ohlone community and the university. Outreach materials will include coloring pages of key pollinator species, and an event open to the public will be hosted at the Lawrence Hall of Science.

Goals of Your Project: Our project explores how pollinators interact with different types of gardens on the UC Berkeley campus. Our goals are to compare the diversity and abundance of pollinator species at the native plant garden at mak-’amham (Cafe Ohlone) with two other TGIF-funded gardens across campus. By surveying pollinator populations we aim to capture the rich variety of insects that native plants support in the spring flowering season and to highlight the benefits of sustainable gardening and indigenous stewardship.

Project Links 

Project Application (Coming Soon!)

Project Poster (Coming Soon!)

Project Website